
it's not a vice, it's a vibe

Quick Tip: Search Google in Firefox Address Bar

A quick and dirty way to search Google without going to the homepage is to simply type your search into the Firefox address bar. For example if I wanted to search hackaddict.net I would type the following in the Firefox address bar:


Featured Site: Slick Deals - Where there's a Coupon for Everything

I buy a lot of tech products…well I guess I buy a lot of stuff in general. Today’s site is one of my favorite websites: Slick Deals.


Quick Tip: Getting Coherence to Work in Parallels


Reviewed: Paparazzi!

While perusing digg the other day I happened upon one of those “Top 10 Essential OS X Aps” articles. I usually know eight of the ten applications listed, stars like quick silver and transmission making regular appearances, but there is always at least one or two I haven’t heard of and am willing to give a whirl. This time a freeware app called Paparazzi! was the lucky winner.


My Essential OS X Setup (for web developers)

When my iBook died a few days ago, I got a loner laptop from work to use until I have enough money to buy one for myself again. Getting a loner laptop that you know you are only going to use for a few months is like getting a sublet. When I moved into my sublet apartment on January 1, I knew I was only going to be staying there until the end of March. Knowing that I would have to move all my stuff twice, I sold everything I possibly could on Craiglist and donated or threw out anything else I didn’t absolutely need. My roommate did the same, and we were able to move all of our essentials (minus two or three small boxes we stored at a friend’s place) in a Hyundai Elentra.


Quick Tip: Upgrade to Crucial RAM (Cheaply)

Shopping for RAM is confusing even for those of us who know their way away around our computers about as well as our houses. The quickest and easiest way to find what RAM your computer takes is to go to Crucial and use their guide selecting first your computer manufacturer then model (If you have a custom built PC you obviously know what RAM you need and this guide is not for you).


Quick Tip: Free Business Cards

While talking about a convention that one of my friends had recently attended I unintentionally discovered Vista Print, a website that will print business cards for people for free. My friend had handed me a card, which admittly looked pretty lame, but when I turned it over it had a website called Vista Printing advertised on the back. I asked why it was there and he told me that the company prints business cards for free with the stipulation that they get to put their website on the back.


New Blog Name

As you already have noticed I changed the name of my blog from Getting High on Getting By to Hack Addict. After a lengthy argue-sation with my brother I finally crumbled. Although it fit the subject manner Getting High on Getting By was just too long of a name. We wanted to keep the same feel, but get a shorter name. We tossed around a few ideas and finally landed on Hack Addict - short, sweet, and to the point.


Essential Firefox Setup (for web developers)

My iBook died a few days ago, so now I have a MacBook and just got it setup last night. One of the first things I installed was Firefox.


Quick Tip: Firefox Splash Extension