
it's not a vice, it's a vibe

Regarding the Quick Find in Firefox

Yesterday’s Quick Firefox Tip: Single-key search tool on Lifehacker ( a blog you should check out if you haven’t already), there was a reminder / tip about using the slash ( / ) or apostrophe ( ‘ ) key to launch Quick Find to searcht the text of the current web page you’re viewing in Firefox.


Mircro Tip: Zoom In & Out in OS X

Many people don’t know about this nifty little feature in OS X but you can zoom in and out on any screen in OS X. While holding control and either scrolling on a mouse wheel or with two fingers on a compatabile laptop touchpad you can start zooming (note that from a normal view you can only zoom in - one zoomed in you can zoom back out to normal view).


Quick Tip: Convert .mov to mpeg on a Mac

So for work I had to make a PowerPoint presentation with video clips in it. Doesn’t sound too hard right? I didn’t think so easier. I was just going to use Snapz to record video clips and then insert those clips right into PowerPoint (Snapz will be reviewed next week for those of you who don’t know what it is). This method worked great until I tried to play the PowerPoint with it’s videos on a windows computer (Which I tried for the first time in front of a sales seminar - quick tip: don’t try things for the first time in front of a audience).


Quick Tip: Remove Windows Genuine Advantage

I have been reformatting a lot of windows computers lately and this made me remember that “illegal” copies of windows how that annoying windows genuine advantage checker. Here is how to remove that (I got this from another source a long time ago and can’t remember where):


Windows XP Valadation Workaround?

The cuz and I were reformatting an old computer for a friend of ours tonight and when we went to validate the windows xp key it said it was maxed out. When we called Microsoft and told them our error they simply gave us a validation key. The whole phone call only took five minutes and we’re now up and running. I’m not sure if we lucked out or if people are too afraid to call and ask, but it appears that you can buy one copy of windows and keep using it even if your validations are maxed out.




Tip: Setup an RSA Key Pair for SSH Authentication and Save Your Passphrase Using SSH-Agent in Mac OS X

If you use command line tools like ssh, scp, and svn a lot (I do), you may get sick of typing in your password every time you use one of these tools. If your svn repository authenticates using ssh, you can save yourself some time by generating an RSA key to authenticate with all of these tools (scp uses ssh authentication, as does ssh–duh). This tutorial explains how to generate an RSA key pair, plus it has a cool tip on how to use Textmate to save files directly to your web server.


Reviewed: InstantShot!

InstantShot! is a killer OS X freeware application that takes screen shots. You might be thinking, why would you download a separate program when OS X already has a built in application to perform this very function? Well, to put it bluntly the built in program that OS X has, Grab, sucks.


Featured Site: ZonTube


Quick Tip: Email Large Files

My job often involves emailing large files ie artwork, pictures which would not be a problem if everyone used gmail; however, I often get files bounced back because they are too large for the recipient to accept.