While perusing digg the other day I happened upon one of those “Top 10 Essential OS X Aps” articles. I usually know eight of the ten applications listed, stars like quick silver and transmission making regular appearances, but there is always at least one or two I haven’t heard of and am willing to give a whirl. This time a freeware app called Paparazzi! was the lucky winner.
The small but powerful application takes screen shots of websites. When I first saw what it did I immediately thought: yeah but how often would you use such a feature? Turns out after downloading and using it once, I use it a lot. I was sold when I saw how it easy it was to use: simply put the url of the site you want to capture in the bar and click capture. In no more than two seconds a screen shot of the url previously entered pops and then the image can either be saved or discarded. Simple yet very very useful.
I have to admit that if I was not a blogger the program would be used rarely at best. I find myself taking screen shots for the blog about three times a week and Paparazzi! does a phenomenal job.
I give Paparazzi! four out of five stars.