
it's not a vice, it's a vibe

Quick Tip: Print to PDF

Printing to a PDF is a useful feature to have for saving receipts of online purchases or sending screenshots of webpages to friends (these aren’t the only useful times to print to PDF’s, but they are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head).


Tutorial: Mount a Dreamhost Account as a Drive in OS X


5 Places to Look for Jobs Online

I’m at the point in my life where job hunting is my number on priority. In my search I have used following websites:


iCal Mobile (or the closest thing I could get...)

Being new to the windows mobile world I am slowly, but steadily being introduced to the crappy built in programs and having to replace them one by one. One of the crappier bundled programs is the calendar app. Not only did it take me a few days to figure out the best way to import my google calendar events onto my phone, which I will address in a later post, (I tried about five different methods) but once I got them onto my phone they were pretty much useless. My calendars were no longer color coded leaving every event looking exactly the same, a grey triangle in the upper right hand corner of the calendar day.


Review: anywhere.fm

A guy that I went to school with just launched a pretty awesome website called anywhere.fm. It’s funny that I heard about this yesterday, because 2 days ago I was telling a friend that I could NOT think of a website that I would use that I didn’t already have. anywhere.fm turned out to be pretty great and I plan on using it.


Windows Mobile iPhone Like Contact Manager


Track Downloads with Google Analytics

I am building a few Firefox extensions ( coming soon ) and I was trying to figure out the best way to track the number of downloads once I post them. In my search, I found 2 great posts about some of the more advanced features of Google Analytics:


Open Word and Excel Documents on an iPhone

Hackaddict reader Brian writes:


Dabble DB: A Better Online Database Solution

I recently needed to build a database to track some information. My brother suggested I use Dabble DB, an online database solution. Dabble is free to use as long as you make your databases public data, but if you prefer for a small fee you can keep your data private.


Bring GTD to Your Browser - Firefox Bookmarks Bar Inbox

For quite awhile now I’ve been using del.icio.us for all my bookmarks, and one of the nice things about this is that it has freed up my Bookmarks Toolbar in Firefox. Lately, I’ve gotten into the habit of using the extra free space for a GTD approach to bookmarking. Here’s how I have things set up: