I’m at the point in my life where job hunting is my number on priority. In my search I have used following websites:
- CareerBuilder - the largest online job search site in the US. Good starting point with notable features including: resume view tracker to see who is looking at your resume, advanced job search/filter system, a job reccomendation engine based on your resume and past job searches, a job alert system based on your inputted preferences for a "dream job." Caeerbuilder is basically a one stop shop, and definately a great starting point.
- Monster - second largest online job search site in the US. Monster has a decent job search function and is easy to navigate; however, the sign up process leaves a lot to be desired - it is riddled with ads and offers (which continue to be seen throughout the site). Monster and CareerBuilder are basically the same idea and the end result is two very similar sites with lots of jobs.
- Doostang - notable features include: job bookmarking, facebook integration, gmail login for mass friend invites, advanced search filtering system. not so notable features: job search is limited by your account status - many times you need to be part of a group or a premium member to view job listings.
- LinkedIn - LinkedIn puts a social network spin on the job hunt. You start by building your network while everyone else does the same. Then you can look for companies and see how contacts/friends are related to those companies. Hopefully, you can use your connection to get an introduction/recommendation for the job you want.
- Craigslist - although it has an old school feel and limited search functions, thousands of jobs are posted on Craigslist so if you are willing to do the work, the job is out there.
Notable Mention: Many colleges have career networks available to them. These are a great starting place for recent graduates and alumni alike. If you don’t have access to one of these networks, have no fear - just ask a current college student for their login information and begin browsing.
You guys know any more job hot spots? If so, please post them to the comments and let us know what you like/dislike about them.