I just finished a beta version of a Firefox extension I’ve been working on. Snipfire! is a Firefox extension that allows you to define arbitrary auto-completion text snippets.
Some of my favorites are simple abbreviations that expand to various parts of my contact info:
* email: expands to [email protected]
* alumni: expands to [email protected]
* phone: expands to 111.222.3333
I made Snipfire! because I got spoiled by Textmate’s awesome snippets feature and wanted something similar in Firefox. I based the code roughly on how Textmate does snippets, but my implementation is far inferior to Textmate’s.
Anyway, please give the extension a try and let me know your feedback. (There is a screencast on the download page.)
Download: Snipfire-Firefox-Extension Download: Snipfire-Creation-Textmate-Snippet (as seen in the screencast)
- UI for editing snippets without XML — make this thing less complicated!
- Make some documentation on creating / editing snippets and bundles
- Better default snippets bundle ( post suggestions to comments )
- Javascript eval snippets ( this will be dope! also, vars to access current line, current location, tab #x location. also, tab placeholders like Textmate, if possible)
- More accurate scroll-fix