I was on the apple blog the other reading an article on the best screencast options for mac. They listed three options including snapz pro, which was the best, and they also mentioned a freeware option Copernicus.

I went to check out the free software and ended up finding the developer’s site to be badass. They offer four freeware softwares including:

  • Apex Racing - Race your car down the track while avoiding the obstacles.
  • Copernicus - Screen capture and screen movies, all in one.
  • DeskCover - Cover your busy desktop to make your icons more readable.
  • TunesTimer - How long have you been listening to your iTunes?

The only program I have personally used is Apex racing which was awesome. It reminded me of highschool and my TI-83. Anyway, the site is definitely worth a look and I am going to try out all the software when time allows.